There are seven Dan Grades in the club, three have been
graded by senior members of the Tokushima Budo Council International. The others Dan Grades came up through the ranks
at Risca and Pentywnmawr.
The three founding members of the club, Neil, Steve and Claire who hold Doshi
Teaching Certificate from the TBCI.
Alex Saunders currently is the of the 'oldest member'
of the club and the 1st member to achieved his black belt at Risca. Alex is now considered to be a 'founder member of
the club'.
The senior club instructors have HSE first aid certificates.
Richard Dinning is the club Child Protection officer and has an enhanced CRB check.
The club was founded
in 1997 and is affiliated to the AMA and Ao DenKou Kai
The club is run on a none profit making basis for
the benefit of all its members.
Karate is a system of self defence and physical culture originally
developed and refined in Okinawa and Japan. The word is formed from the Japanese words Kara (empty) and Te (hand), symbolising
that its practioners - Karateka - are unarmed; but can use their hands and feet as weapons.
What is Practical Karate?
There are several fundamental styles of Karate, which use slightly different training methods and place varying degrees
of emphasis on issues such as speed, strength and range of techniques - thus you will hear some described as 'fast' styles,
others as 'strong' styles.
Our style emphasises a balanced development of all these aspects with particular emphasis
being placed on 'relaxed' and 'heavy' natural movement. The style traces back to an Okinawan teacher of physical education,
Gichin Funakoshi.
How Much Will It Cost?
Karate is a reasonably inexpensive pursuit. Club fees are low compared
to many other sports and hobbies. Typical training fees are £2 per lesson; club and affliation fees are £10 per year.
The main expense is the purchase of is a karate
suit and belt, which should be in the region of £20.
Why should I join the Ronin Karate School?
Club membership
offers many benefits, including low training and grading fees, free belts at gradings, discounted training equipment and affiliation
to Ao Denkou Kai and AMA which among many other benefits
gives an opportunity to train with a variety of high grade instructors from other arts.
AMA Insurance provides the following cover, personal accident £250 dental,Physio
£250, loss of earnings £50 per week, hopitalisation £25 per day. |
What Will Training Involve
Your training will be structured into three sections - Kihon,
Tegumi Drills and Kata. Each section complements the others and has a range of complexity to suit different ages and
skill levels of students.
Can Anyone Practice Karate?
Karate can be practiced by men, women and children.
Anyone who is in reasonable health can train in karate and students will improve their self-awareness, self-confidence and
What Benefits Are There In Practicing Karate?
The hard physical training required to reach a
high level of skill in karate promotes overall good health, fitness and well-being. The concentration, commitment and dedication
required help to build a strong, confident and determined character. The traditional type of training in the club is designed
to help students to develop, both physically and morally.
How Do I Measure My Progress
Students are regularly
assessed on their personal development and when they have achieved the required level of Knowledge, Understanding, Skill,
Attitude and Behaviour they are awarded their next grade.
We teach Traditional None Sport Orienated Karate.
What will it cost?
Training fees are £2.50 per session
Annual Club Membership and Insurance fees are £10
Grading fees are £10. This includes belt and certificate
Gi's and safety equipment can be bought at a discounted fee once
a student becomes a member of the club
Club Founders and Instructors
The club was founded in Risca in 1997 and is run on a none
profit making basis for the benefit of all members.
The club founders and club instructors are Claire Bucknall 2nd
Dan Doshi, Stephen Hopkins 2nd Dan Doshi, and Neil Muirhead 3rd Dan Kyushin Karate, Doshi, PMA National Director.
three instructors have been graded by senior members of the Tokushima Budo Council International.
They all hold a
Doshi Teaching Certificate from that organisation.
All club instructors hold valid St John's First Aid Certificates.
The style we practice is based on Kyushin Karate as taught by Abbe Keshiro docho. Kyushindo was an ancient Japanese
philosophy which Abbe Keshiro developed into a new martial arts discipline. He spent twenty years in research and development
before declaring a new system.
Ronin Karate School is affliated to the AMA.
History The AMA started with the Amateur Karate Association in 1972 and later expanded to include other Martial Arts. Now the
largest martial arts association in the UK The AMA is also active on the international scene with members and associated members
from many foreign countries. The AMA is controlled by an amateur executive committee with a general secretary, a president,
a vice president and technical committees.
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We are a founder member of the PMA, with the responsibility
of furthering its development in Wales.
What is the PMA?
It is dedicated to the development of martial arts techniques
that can be practically applied either on the street or on the mat. The sport aspect is kept completely separate from the
combat, as it is the belief of the PMA that the two cannot and should not be confused.
The PMA does not want to set up in competition to other Associations
or Governing Bodies within the Martial Arts. The purpose of the PMA is to serve as a network of like-minded individuals, clubs
and associations that aid each other in their progress along the Martial Arts path.